About me...My name is Krusheska M. Quirós. I am a queer afro-taina from Boriken now living in the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Tsleil-Waututh, and Squamish Coast Salish people (a.k.a. Vancouver, Canada). Some credits to my name include being the creator, audio editor and co-producer of the podcast Suena a Revolución (www.suenaarevolucion.org) since 2014. I have been involved in community event organizing in Vancouver including concerts, dance parties, and workshops, and I am a volunteer at the Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 100.5FM. My goal is to share with others the power that music has within social movements and to serve as a curator of the sounds of ARTivism. At this time, I really enjoy learning more about audio editing and how to set up sound systems, helping to trouble shoot all of the things, sharing good food with other awesome people, walking around cities and forests, partaking in engagingly funny conversations, and the feeling of riding my bicycle really really fast. You can contact me:
© 2018 Krusheska M. Quirós |